
At Web4Bio we know the importance of continuous maintenance of the contents of a website so that this maintenance can be independently and easily performed. Therefore, we always try to offer our customers maximum independence when making changes to their website after publication.

DP-Web is Web4Bio’s new content management system. DP-Web integrates seamlessly with the usual features of our Corporate Web Service (custom design templates, multilingual web, SEO, search engine inclusion, monitoring visits, images repository, bulletin system, version mobile) while allowing users to add new sections and pages to their website. These pages allow the user to include different types of content such as images, formatted text entries, news, events, links, forms and downloadable documents.

With DP-Web, our customers can edit the content of each of the web pages of their website easily and instantly, as well as the structure of it by adding new pages, editting the navigation menus and changing the order of sections and subsections. This flexibility is available anytime and from any device with an Internet connection and a browser.

Choose the type of content: DP-Web allows you to choose between different types of predefined content , such as banners, news, events, links, downloadable documents, etc.

Web Access: Since DP-Web is a web service, it is not necessary to purchase or license any software installations on your computer. You can access DP-web management module from any browser, edit the web and see the result immediately.

Organize maintenance: The user can manage the permissions of as many web publishers as needed, by defining editors page by page, which is useful for directing web maintenance tasks in complex organizations.

Manage your organization: DP-Web can be integrated into DoPlanning collaborative tool by accessible administration from the same module. DoPlanning is the online solution to improve the efficiency of work processes in the usual activities of any organization: administrative, operational management of projects and working groups, relationships with clients, staff, tele-education, institutional, etc.